Can you imagine the conversation in the boardroom of a global coffee chain when the subject matter of a longstanding member of staff’s attire is brought to the attention of the chief executive? He doesn’t like wearing the corporate uniform so instead chooses to wear a rather unusual selection of button-down shirts. An anti-corporate employee, destroying the carefully curated corporate brand! That could be a very short conversation which doesn’t end well for the employee.


So how does Josh who has now become the longest serving member of staff at Cooper’s get away with it? Somehow, it’s just sort of happened. Never one comfortable in a uniform, Josh has always had his own style and as the years have gone by so he has become more flamboyant in his choice of shirt. We’ve now reached peak crazy shirt and our customers love it. Josh and his shirts have become part of the fabric of this small family business. Whilst the brand of a business is always important, it’s how you experience that brand that can also leave a lasting impression, good or bad. Authenticity though is hard to replicate, and in the case of Josh’s shirts nothing could be more authentic.


So we asked Josh how it all started? 

Apparently, it was the local COVID pre-loaded card that inspired Josh to buy his first “exotic” shirt and his most expensive at around £100. The reaction to that first shirt was such that he went on to seek out further shirts from the darkest parts of the Internet. Surprisingly there are few such shirts found locally.


His partner describes Josh’s shirt style as that from the era of today’s 90-year-old when they were young. Not sure if that’s a ringing endorsement, however it has not discouraged Josh whose collection has now grown to around 15 shirts.

Josh says he’s not interested in the brand of the shirt however he does admit to liking a baroque style with lots of images of gold chains. They have to be long-sleeved as these he believes are smarter than their short-sleeved cousins.

In terms of seasonality, Halloween and Christmas have a particular look, spring and summer though are not mentioned but no doubt there is time!


So next time you’re passing our store in Halkett Place look out for Josh, he’s the one wearing the infamous shirt, oh and by the way he also knows a little about tea and coffee.

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