About Us

The true origins of Cooper & Co. have been lost in the annals of history, however, what is known is that on 24th June 1834 Thomas Cooper, Richard Cooper and John Stringer formed a new venture as Thomas Cooper and Co, which handled the wholesale of commodities.
The business is recorded to have operated from addresses across London and Brighton selling tea directly to consumers in varying amounts. By the mid 1800s the company was engaged in international trade to various British colonies with the Cooper & Co. trading network encompassing much of the world.
A front page advertisement in an 1890 edition of the Jersey Evening Post shows Cooper & Co. traded on King Street and were known as Tea Men with their own Tea shop. This makes Cooper's one of the oldest remaining locally owned Jersey companies, a fact of which we are hugely proud.
Today Cooper & Co trades from four sites in Jersey. 57 Halkett Place is the hub of our roasting, packing and retail operation. We have a café at Castle Quay on the Waterfront, a café on the first floor of the Co-Op, Grand Marché, St. Helier, and most recently a licensed, modern café located at the ground floor of IFC 5 in St. Helier.
Cooper & Co. are long standing members of the Fairtrade Foundation which entitles us to use their logo on any Fairtrade certified coffee we roast and pack.
Many of the coffees we roast and sell are directly linked to the places we have visited. In December 2013, we visited farmers in Peru and Bolivia; 2015 saw us visiting the Araku Valley in Southern India; In November 2016 we went to Northern Sumatra, and then to Myanmar in 2018. Most recently, we have visited Honduras to explore new relationships with farmers in Central America.
At a local level we are proud to be recognised as an "Eco-Active" business, a States of Jersey environmental scheme which encourages us to focus on the three tenants of recycle, reduce and reuse.
We have three cafes, a store and also a food service offering which is a significant part of our business. We supply over 300 outlets in Jersey including large offices, Michelin starred restaurants and beach cafés. We also offer on-site free training and advice to our food service customers.
Cooper & Co. work hard at being a coffee shop with traditional values albeit with modern communication methods. As such we endeavour to become a hub for the community and not just another place to grab a quick cup of coffee. We like to give back to the community we serve by supporting local charities, raising awareness of environmental issues, supporting local causes and providing the local community with coffee that's traceable to the source (Fairtrade/Rainforest Alliance Certified where possible) to give local people confidence that, when sipping on one of our coffees, they have had some involvement in making a difference in this world.